Welcome from Amanda Webb
“Step up and talk your walk!” That’s just one action men can take to support gender equality, shared by visiting American sociologist Dr Michael Kimmel at our recent ‘Men as Allies’breakfast panel event, co-hosted by Xplore, AICD’s 30% Club, and venue partner PwC on 15 August 2017.
Michael Kimmel, Sam Weiss and Peter O’Brien shared openly and honestly how they see the current state of gender equality in Australia and abroad, and what they think can be done to engage more men to take action. They were candid, real and practical, and left guests with a number of “golden nuggets”, captured by Vicki Forbes in the next article.
We’re grateful to PwC for filming the discussion and producing this short highlights video for those who weren’t in the room, and if you were there, you might see yourself in some of the event photos.
A shared belief of our panelists and others “in the know” is that more women need to take on “line” positions. Diana Ryall has often spoken on this topic, and shares her thoughts in Time to stop toeing the line on line positions, to coincide with the CEW’s release of its first ASX Senior Executive Census.
“I wish they would stop trying to ‘fix’ me”. We are hearing this from women who have well-intentioned men keen to support them in their career pursuits. Guys, us women don’t need ‘fixing’, but we do need your sponsorship. Our recently reprinted book, Got your Back is a great resource, giving practical tips and stories on how to successfully sponsor women.
Finally, if you’re looking for a way to give back and like the idea of some travel abroad with a touch of adventure, consider joining us on one of our Cambodia Field Trips.
Until next time,