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Featured, Gender Equality, Inclusion

Enough with the data – it’s time to double down and end gender inequality By Amanda Webb, CEO Xplore for Success

Almost every day when I open my browser to read the latest news, I see more statistics articulating the extent of gender inequality in this country. The pay gap, the lack of female business leaders, domestic violence rates ­­– all articulated in scientific and irrefutable terms.

Gender Equality, Purpose

Xplore Newsletter | December 2018

As 2018 comes to a close, I find myself with a few moments to review and reflect on what has been another remarkable year.

Featured, Gender Equality

The Global Summit of Women and what we learnt

I have just spent a couple of mind-stretching days attending the Global Summit of Women. Here’s my key take-outs.

Featured, Gender Equality

Meet Rory: Why the ‘Y’

“I’m sorry, Amanda, I’m going to be a few minutes late for our meeting. I’ve just left school drop-off and I’m stuck in traffic.”

Featured, Gender Equality

Australian of the Year | Is THIS the year for women and equality? | My professional Bucket for 2018

As an equality and inclusion practitioner, it’s hard to embrace Australia Day. However, I am a proud Aussie, so today I choose to focus on the positive.


Purpose and Passion Field Trip for 2018

We are excited to share the details of our 2018 ‘Purpose and Passion’ Field Trip to Siem Reap, 
Cambodia | 11-17 November 2018.

Career, Featured, Gender Equality

Time to stop toeing the line on line positions

There is no doubt that women – and most men – agree that we need more talented women in the senior roles that have eluded them for some time.

Gender Equality, Leadership

Welcome from Amanda Webb

“Step up and talk your walk!” That’s just one action men can take to support gender equality.

Coaching, Featured, Gender Equality

Strike a pose: The power of Amy Cuddy

This week I was fortunate to attend the Sydney Business Chicks workshop with Harvard Business School professor and social psychologist Amy Cuddy, as guest speaker!

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